
Embassy in Pakistan

Ambassador Sebastián Sayús
Address House 24, Street 18, Sector F-6/2
Postal code 44000
City Islamabad
Business Hours Lunes a Viernes de 09:00:00 hs a 17:00:00 hs
Current time in Buenos Aires 15:10 hs
Current time in Islamabad 23:10 hs
E-mail epaki@mrecic.gov.ar
Telephone 0092518438148
Cell phone guard 00923078880057
Website epaki.cancilleria.gob.ar
Social networks
Consular Circumscription República Islámica de Pakistán, República Islámica de Afganistán y República de Tajikistán

Camilo Silberkasten

Position: Head of Economic and Commercial Section
Business Hours: Lunes a Viernes de 09:00:00 hs a 15:00:00 hs
Telephone: 92 518438120
Email: secom_epaki@mrecic.gov.ar